Friday, September 26, 2008

" Stupidity at it's finest"

Well it all started with a visit to the vet. Usually one of the kids will go with me to take the pets to the vet, but on this one day Matt was staying after school for tutoring and Kaycee was at soccer practice. So I decided to attempt to take our 50 pound puppy to get his stitches removed.(We had him fixed a couple weeks ago) the only problem is we have the most frightened puppy in the world. In the backyard he is ferocious but try to get him in the car and take him anywhere and he turns into a big chicken, this is where the fun begins. He almost always throws up in the car and on this day he did. Well I got him to the vet and the stitches were removed, I took him out to the car and had to force him in. I finally got him in leaving my purse and cell phone inside, as I was walking around the back of the car my sandal got stuck in the buckled pavement and I went down like a ton of bricks. I saw my ankle roll and thought it was broken. Now I wasn't as worried about the ankle as much as I was about "Who Saw Me Fall" then reality set in and I noticed nobody was around. With my cell in the car what could I do. I managed to make it to the car, and since it was my left foot I decided to try and get home. By this time my ankle was the size of a grapefruit. I called Jim and told him to go get Kaycee because we needed to go to the emergency room. Well it turned out it wasn't broken just badly sprained. They took me out of work for five days, wrapped my ankle, gave me crutches and some good meds and sent me home. So here are some pictures notice the nice pedicure (ha ha) and the scraped up knee. I usually have ankle bones but I can't seem to find them through all the swelling.


Laurie said...

I love that your first though was "Who saw me?"

Sorry about the ankle, but at least it happened during premier week so you can put your feet up and watch TV!

Kristin said...

You crack me up that your first worry was who saw me. That looks like it relly hurts, at least you got a couple days off work, and some good meds to forget about it. I bet you also didn't have to clean up the dog barf, way to go sister.

Valerie said...

What's with falling and us Davis Girls, I swear I've fallen like that so many times. At least you have a cool looking ankle from it all (nice battle wound). Hope you feel better soon.